Art Athina 2023: Athens

14 - 17 September 2023
Presenting new work by Margaret R. Thompson & Zayn Qahtani
Zayn Qahtani is a multidisciplinary artist. Her work sways between what is seen and what is felt, compiling a personal mythology along the way. Drawing on ancient cultures and nature’s diverse ecosystems, Zayn forms visual stories which seem to exist in the twilight zone - too distorted to be real, too familiar to be a dream. Her current practise explores the concept of animism, the gift-giving of a living soul to inanimate objects. Seeing the act of creation and destruction as an alchemical ritual, Zayn often works with materials borne of reincarnated sources. Pigments from plants and minerals, recycled bioplastics and papers made of tree matter, weave together with spells of poetry and pain in an unorthodox dance, binding each object with a life of its own.
Margaret R. Thompson is a multidisciplinary artist living and working in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She earned her Bachelors of Arts in International Studies and Visual Arts at Eckerd College with a concentration in Latin American and socio-cultural anthropology. Filtering reality through her own mythology, she weaves synesthetic responses to poetry, explorations of ritual, and a reverence to the natural world into small to large narrative paintings. Her paintings—objects made of oil, wax, raw pigment, and varied surfaces—depict fantastical worlds where the spirit reigns. Inspired by elements of the symbolist movement and magical realism, she channels dreams and the associative powers of the imagination into her practice.
Booth R9
Art Athina 2023
Zappeion Mansion