The Coordinate Plane: New York Summer Series
Past exhibition
Pippa YoungA stone breathing inside the lungs of a madman, 2023Oil on linen125 x 125 cm
Pippa YoungThreads of the history that clings to me, 2023Oil on linen125 x 125 cm
Sophie MilnerThe Guest, 2023oil on linen in stained pine box frame100 x 98 cm
Sophie MilnerSign Seekers, 2023oil on linen in stained pine box frame130 x 124 cm
Megan ReaUntitled, 2023Oil on handmade paper50cm x 70cm
Megan ReaUntitled, 2023Oil on handmade paper50cm x 70cm
Kate Walters, I meet my Angel Out Ahead, 2023
Kate WaltersHigh Priestess with Holy Bird, 2023Oil on canvas40 x 30 cm
Laila Tara HIt takes a village to be a village, 2023Natural pigment, watercolour, pencil, on natural handmade Indian hemp paper, framed75 x 188 x 5cm
Ilona SzalayThe Blue Room, 2023oil on aluminium (unframed)150cm x 200cm
Suzy SpenceFading Landscape (Double Peter), 2021flashe and acrylic on stretched canvas208.28 x 167.64 cm
82 x 66 in