Casper White’s most recent body of work embodies this term, with the process of excommunication herein signifying a shift, or bridge, between the classical norm and the interest and study of works from the post-canonical digital work. The singularity or personal performance shown in these works, particularly those stemming from an observation of internet trends and the digital world echoes that sense of historical excommunication, in a more modern sense. The figures shown could be seen as excommunicating themselves from a socially charged setting in order to perform, or explore their own emotions through crying or displaying overt emotion on digital media. This signifies a separation from standard accepted societal norms to an emotions-led platform in which the individual seeks only to be governed by themselves, and their own intuition rather than a following of a dogmatic or controlled community.
16th - 27th November
The Old Silk Barn
BA10 0HB