Clouded with snow
The bleak winds blow,
And shrill on leafless bough
The robin with its burning breast
Alone sings now.
The rayless sun,
Day's journey done,
Sheds its last ebbing light
On fields in leagues of beauty spread
Unearthly white.
Thick draws the dark,
And spark by spark,
The frost-fires kindle, and soon
Over that sea of frozen foam
Floats the white moon.
- WINTER , Walter De La Mare
It's such a beautifully quiet place, that has a sort of magic at night time. I found myself going on daily walks just before dusk, as day turns to night. Inspired by the shapes and shadows that the trees create, and the way snippets of windows glow from a distance as it gets darker. I chose to make works that focused on night time… spaces in darkness. I think they evoke a new sense of stillness - a pause. We no longer question where the people that occupy these homes or places are, but assume they are sleeping. A house or moment with little movement.
- Charlotte Keates, on the work made during her residency
private view
1st April
6 - 8pm
open Friday, Saturday, Sunday
11 - 6pm
or by appointment
Arusha Gallery at The Old Silk Barn
Bruton, Somerset, UK