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Paige Perkins // Bruton30 Sep - 29 Oct 2023opening Saturday 30th September 2023 2 - 6 pm exhibition continues 01.10 - 29.10.23 Thursday - Sunday, 11am - 6pm The Old Silk Barn Quaperlake Street Bruton, Somerset BA10 0HBRead morePortal
London11 - 30 Sep 2023with work by John Abell, Peter Burns, Plum Cloutman, Freya Douglas Morris, Fiona Finnegan, Jen Wink Hays, Charlotte Keates, Ebba Grahn, So phie Lourdes Knight, Sophie Milner, Chris Oh, James...Read moreHawthorn and the Feast of Julian
New York Summer Series17 - 28 May 2023Jacob Littlejohn, Zayn Qahtani, Margaret R Thompson, Sophie Birch, James Owens, Plum Cloutman, John Abell, Paige Perkins, Anna Rocke, Danny Leyland, Fiona Finnegan and Helen Flockhart Private View Tuesday 16th...Read moreA Quickening Spirit
Paige Perkins14 - 24 Jan 2022Paige Perkins paints nature red in tooth and claw, but it is human nature that she principally studies: humanity revealed through different (often animal) guises. There may be something nasty...Read moreAncient Deities
co-curated by Rhiannon Rebecca Salisbury 10 Sep - 18 Oct 2020Rhiannon Rebecca Salisbury | Leo Robinson | Paige Perkins | Byzantia Harlow | Matt Macken | Norman Hyams | Victor Seaward | Lindsey Mendick | Jake Grewal | Lena Brazin...Read more